Wednesday, February 10, 2021

LO2: Features for an Advertising Campaign (INCOMPLETE CAMPAIGN)

 Features I want to include in my campaign:

- Challenged stereotypes/Breaking current stereotypes

- Diverse actors/actresses

- Emotional Narrative

- Impact through sincerity rather than humour

Possible Narrative for Advertisement:

A short film called "The Truth Isn't Pretty"

It shows a range of scenes. The first is a boy in a school office. He's wearing make-up (neutral, equivalent to that which a girl could get away with) and sat opposite a teacher demanding he takes it off. "You're a lad, alright? I mean, what are you trying to do with this? This? It isn't pretty". The scene fades to echoes as the boy tears up and then cuts to another boy in the same seat. Male-coded haircut, school trousers and a form for a name change in front of him. The same teacher from before is telling this boy that he can't change his name on the register because "what would your parents think? coming into school to see their pretty little girl is parading around pretending to be someone she isn't?" The scene fades to echoes as the boy tears up then cuts to two girls sat in seats, opposite the same teacher once again. Both still have their bags on so it's evident they've been pulled in as soon as they've entered school and they have some indicator of being in a relationship. "Girls, you already know all this. None of this touchy-feely stuff on the playground. It isn't pret-" But this time, one girl speaks up, "We were holding hands! Brad and Katie were all over each other just five feet away!". The teacher isn't impressed. "They're a couple, and in the year above you. You're just silly little girls running around trying to do something that you think is pret-" The other girl interrupts this time. "No! We're a couple too! You can't just do this to us and not to them!" The teacher gets annoyed this time, "I'd drop that attitude, young lady. Now, since you've back talked, I'll just say that the report won't be pretty"

"The truth isn't pretty either, sir,"

There's a brief epilogue which shows a quick crosscut through the girls respectively stood before their implied parents, then those same parents coming together in the school office clearly unimpressed, with the two boys from earlier in the background. The scene doesn't change, but more parents fade in to show the growing number of complaints against the teacher. then the teacher who was being discriminatory leaving the school, all the students we saw him mistreat watching in the background. It then cuts to scene where we're in an over-the-shoulder shot of the two girls walking towards the school gates side by side. They look to the right to see the first boy, wearing make-up and being dragged playfully into photos with his friends. He's happy. Then, they look to the left to see the second boy messing around with his friends. We hear an adult interject, "Uh, Michael," and he responds. His name is implied to have been changed. He's happy. The two girls arrive at the gates and look at one another. The camera pans down to show their hands joined and stays there as they walk into the school grounds. The scene blurs to black and white text fades in on the screen.

"YOU might not think the truth is pretty, but WE think it's beautiful"

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LO3: Evaluation

Final Product: Technical and Aesthetic Match-to-Brief: My campaign material fits the technical requirements of the brief as it accurately an...