Friday, April 30, 2021

LO2: Evidence of Development of First Campaign Material

My first developed campaign material is the social media page of Steelie magazine.

Visualisation Diagram:


Mock Up:

First Version:

Other Iterations:

Based on the feedback below, I decided to attempt the suggestion left by my client

The below is the result:

Monday, April 19, 2021

LO2: Risk Assessments for Filming/Shooting

Here is my Risk Assessment for my first photoshoot; the small plaza outside of the Winter Gardens:

Here is my Risk Assessment for my second photoshoot; the outdoor classroom space on Matilda Street:

Sunday, April 18, 2021

LO2: Location Recces for Shooting/Photography

Here is my Location Recce for my first photoshoot; the small plaza outside of the Winter Gardens:

Here is my Location Recce for my second photoshoot; the outdoor classroom space on Matilda Street:

Saturday, April 17, 2021

LO2: Roles and Responsibilities

The campaign will be wholly created by me, Amber Stringer, and as such all roles and responsibilities fall to me.

Friday, April 16, 2021

LO2: Production Plan for the Campaign

 Here is my production plan for the campaign, including ideal deadlines and contingencies:

Thursday, April 15, 2021

LO2: Identification of Target Audience for the Campaign

Kaitie is a 16-year-old girl who lives in Richmond with her mother, Tina, and her pet rat named Speckles, and her partner Dallas lives just down the road. Kaitie is a student at her local sixth form who studies biology, psychology and art at A-Level. She comes from a C2DE background and often only has a little disposable income, collected from her part-time job at a McDonalds in Sheffield City Centre. Her long-term goal is to head into higher education and study to be a child’s art therapist to attempt to discourage anti-social behaviours that start at a young age – something she has often witnessed and grown up around. But she doesn’t want to let her studies get ahead of her and so, with the help of Dallas, aims to “loosen up”, enjoy life and express herself just that little bit more. Kaitie is a big fan and supporter of clothing brands like Killstar who are openly supportive of movements such as BLM. She enjoys reading magazines and loves to consume any media she can get of alternative communities for inspiration on her own looks, the goth subculture being one of her personal favourites.

Monday, April 12, 2021

LO2: Explanation of Media Choices for Client and Mind Map of Ideas

For my client, I have decided to create three media types: 

Social Media Page:

This page will be solely for the purpose of marketing SPH Publising's new magazine "Steelie" and will only post content to reach this goal

TV Advertisement:

This will be featured prior to watershed (at around 3-4pm) so as to fit to a schedule when my target audience would be completing their education process


These will be placed in social hotspots for my target audience, for example roller rinks, outdoor areas (Peace Gardens) and nearby popular shops.

LO3: Evaluation

Final Product: Technical and Aesthetic Match-to-Brief: My campaign material fits the technical requirements of the brief as it accurately an...