Wednesday, February 10, 2021

LO2 - Creation of Advertising Campaign (INCOMPLETE CAMPAIGN)

Possible Subjects for Campaigns:

- Laura/Laura's Publishers

- Luke and Co. (Musicians I Know)

- aDawned

- Sole to Soul

- Nxt Level

- Mediplan



Developed Campaign Ideas:

Mediplan -

Website - The current website for Mediplan is outdated and, whilst it's simple and clean design works for the audience, it can be a little confusing to maneuver

Brochures - Whilst these are perfectly fine, they could do with a little rehash

Luke and Co (Musicians I Know) -

- Social Media Pages - Create a new social media page specifically for the decided musicians/names. Taking "professional" photographs to advertise said social media page, along with "snapshot" introduction videos for highlights

- Portfolio/Introduction Video - A video montage, filled with snippets of musicians performing and brief introductions of each, similar to the snapshots for the social media.

- Poster - Design based around hypothetical album cover, release date or "Out Now"

aDawned -

Website - Pretty and playful, butterfly and feather theme. Features logo and themed around that

Double Page Spread - Interview of crafter to advertise

Video - Introductory and advertising. Similar to a Youtube.

Social Media Page - Set up and linked with others

Laura/Laura's Publisher -

Video - Trailer for new books/pre-published books. Cinematic styled.

Posters - Book cover art, displayed centrally on a poster with release date (or "Out Now") 

Social Media - Either rebrand original (Publishers) or create a new social media paged to promote book series

Campaign Message - Promote book series/all books under publishers belt

Slogan/Strapline - Undecided

Main Imagery - Black-eyed Boy and Green-eyed Girl/All Book covers depending

Planning Documents:

- Production Schedule

- Call Sheet

- Equipment List

- Moodboard

- Gant Chart

- Visualisation diagram

Specific Planning Documents:

- Shot plan

- Storyboards

- Script

- Flow Chart/Diagrams

Ways to collect audience feedback:

- Focus groups

- Questionnaires

- Online questionnaires

- Social media (where relevant)

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LO3: Evaluation

Final Product: Technical and Aesthetic Match-to-Brief: My campaign material fits the technical requirements of the brief as it accurately an...