Saturday, February 27, 2021

LO2: Location Recces and Risk Assessments (INCOMPLETE CAMPAIGN)

 Locations I Intend to Use in my Campaigning:

  • Studio 2 - This is an easily accessible place for me to do photography in
  • Sheffield City Centre - This is another easily accessible place and allows for more natural lighting/features
Risk Assessments:
Studio 2 -
  • Equipment - Ensure all equipment is safe and that I know how to correctly use any equipment used
  • Physical Space - Ensure enough physical space is accessible for the photography occurring and there are no tripping hazards
  • Props/setting - Ensure any non-portable props (chairs etc.) are safely restored to their original place once the shoot has ended
  • Damages - Ensure that damages are avoided to the best of our ability and that any that do occur are handled responsibly
  • Injuries - Ensure that damages are avoided to the best of our ability and that everyone knows the procedure for medical aid
Sheffield City Centre -
  • Equipment - Ensure all equipment is safe and that I know how to correctly use any equipment used
  • Location Knowledge - Ensure everyone is familiar with the location and other people know where, and when we're going/how we're getting there
  • Safeguarding - Ensure that no strangers are in any photographs/anyone nearby is aware we're shooting and the conditions of that
  • Damages - Ensure that damages are avoided to the best of our ability and that any that do occur are handled responsibly
  • Injuries - Ensure that damages are avoided to the best of our ability and that everyone knows the procedure for medical aid

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LO3: Evaluation

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