Saturday, February 27, 2021

LO2: Location Recces and Risk Assessments (INCOMPLETE CAMPAIGN)

 Locations I Intend to Use in my Campaigning:

  • Studio 2 - This is an easily accessible place for me to do photography in
  • Sheffield City Centre - This is another easily accessible place and allows for more natural lighting/features
Risk Assessments:
Studio 2 -
  • Equipment - Ensure all equipment is safe and that I know how to correctly use any equipment used
  • Physical Space - Ensure enough physical space is accessible for the photography occurring and there are no tripping hazards
  • Props/setting - Ensure any non-portable props (chairs etc.) are safely restored to their original place once the shoot has ended
  • Damages - Ensure that damages are avoided to the best of our ability and that any that do occur are handled responsibly
  • Injuries - Ensure that damages are avoided to the best of our ability and that everyone knows the procedure for medical aid
Sheffield City Centre -
  • Equipment - Ensure all equipment is safe and that I know how to correctly use any equipment used
  • Location Knowledge - Ensure everyone is familiar with the location and other people know where, and when we're going/how we're getting there
  • Safeguarding - Ensure that no strangers are in any photographs/anyone nearby is aware we're shooting and the conditions of that
  • Damages - Ensure that damages are avoided to the best of our ability and that any that do occur are handled responsibly
  • Injuries - Ensure that damages are avoided to the best of our ability and that everyone knows the procedure for medical aid

Wednesday, February 10, 2021


For my campaign, the best option of release and distribution would be "All Out", as all of my advertising involves heavy synergy and there would be no benefit from the anticipation generated through a slow or teaser release and reaching a large, mass audience would be the best choice for such a campaign. However, as funding isn't that

Early Wave Social Media campaign:

The first media pieces I will release will be the "A Little Support goes A Long Way" social media posts. These will be released on the first airing of the campaign, and will be the only advertising available for around 5 days.

Poster Campaign (Secondary Wave of Social Media Campaign):

The second media pieces I will release will be the "Fact File" Posters. Due to the current COVID situation, these will be released as social media posts, likely Instagram "Stories" due to their size, and will be marketed as banners since physically putting these up isn't currently an option.

LO2: Advertising Choices (INCOMPLETE CAMPAIGN)

Above the Line Advertising Methods I Will Use:
- Social Media (Instagram/Twitter campaign)

Below the Line Advertising Methods I Will Use:
- Flyers/Posters
- Radio Advert
- Social Media (Youtube Campaign/Short Film Advert)


My campaign will be targetted at two types of people:

- The "sharers"

- The "instigators"

The Sharers Will Stereotypically Be:

Gender: Female

Age: 14-20

PamCo: C1C2DE

Location: Sheffield/South Yorkshire

Level of Education (Reading Age): Later GCSE->University (14+)

Psychographics: Social Justice, LGBTQ community (ally or member), equality, likely are feminists, more left wing

Sharer Audience Profile:

Emily is a 19 year old university student studying politics and sociology at Sheffield Hallam. She holds ideals with a more left-wing lean and believes in listening to the voices of the people. She shares posts from the LGBT Project because she believes they hold important messages that need to be carried across and voices that need to be shared. She is a member of the LGBTQ+ community herself but focuses on sharing posts about those with identities other than her own.

The Instigators Will Stereotypically Be:

Gender: Male

Age: 30-50

PamCo: ABC1

Location: Sheffield/South Yorkshire

Level of Education (Reading Age): GCSE and A-Level (statistically don't receive a university education)

Psychographics: Has "traditional values", sees the world as they believe it to be and not as it could be, 

LO2: The Impact of COVID-19 on my Plan

Whilst COVID has not affected my interaction with my client, it has affected my plans for the products I will be making as I cannot feature models and attend locations and so I will have to edit planned features

I will still be working with SPH Publishing

LO2: Features for an Advertising Campaign (INCOMPLETE CAMPAIGN)

 Features I want to include in my campaign:

- Challenged stereotypes/Breaking current stereotypes

- Diverse actors/actresses

- Emotional Narrative

- Impact through sincerity rather than humour

Possible Narrative for Advertisement:

A short film called "The Truth Isn't Pretty"

It shows a range of scenes. The first is a boy in a school office. He's wearing make-up (neutral, equivalent to that which a girl could get away with) and sat opposite a teacher demanding he takes it off. "You're a lad, alright? I mean, what are you trying to do with this? This? It isn't pretty". The scene fades to echoes as the boy tears up and then cuts to another boy in the same seat. Male-coded haircut, school trousers and a form for a name change in front of him. The same teacher from before is telling this boy that he can't change his name on the register because "what would your parents think? coming into school to see their pretty little girl is parading around pretending to be someone she isn't?" The scene fades to echoes as the boy tears up then cuts to two girls sat in seats, opposite the same teacher once again. Both still have their bags on so it's evident they've been pulled in as soon as they've entered school and they have some indicator of being in a relationship. "Girls, you already know all this. None of this touchy-feely stuff on the playground. It isn't pret-" But this time, one girl speaks up, "We were holding hands! Brad and Katie were all over each other just five feet away!". The teacher isn't impressed. "They're a couple, and in the year above you. You're just silly little girls running around trying to do something that you think is pret-" The other girl interrupts this time. "No! We're a couple too! You can't just do this to us and not to them!" The teacher gets annoyed this time, "I'd drop that attitude, young lady. Now, since you've back talked, I'll just say that the report won't be pretty"

"The truth isn't pretty either, sir,"

There's a brief epilogue which shows a quick crosscut through the girls respectively stood before their implied parents, then those same parents coming together in the school office clearly unimpressed, with the two boys from earlier in the background. The scene doesn't change, but more parents fade in to show the growing number of complaints against the teacher. then the teacher who was being discriminatory leaving the school, all the students we saw him mistreat watching in the background. It then cuts to scene where we're in an over-the-shoulder shot of the two girls walking towards the school gates side by side. They look to the right to see the first boy, wearing make-up and being dragged playfully into photos with his friends. He's happy. Then, they look to the left to see the second boy messing around with his friends. We hear an adult interject, "Uh, Michael," and he responds. His name is implied to have been changed. He's happy. The two girls arrive at the gates and look at one another. The camera pans down to show their hands joined and stays there as they walk into the school grounds. The scene blurs to black and white text fades in on the screen.

"YOU might not think the truth is pretty, but WE think it's beautiful"

LO2 - Campaign Basics and Specifics (INCOMPLETE CAMPAIGN)

Chosen Campaign - "Let's Get Better Together (LGBT)"

Examples of Possible:

Campaign Messages

- Spread our message

- Support the project


- "Because We are"

- "Ally to All"

- "A little support Goes a long way"

Main Imagery

- Diversity

- Contrast of kindness/cruelness

- Isolation

- COVID 19 effect

LO2 - Creation of Advertising Campaign (INCOMPLETE CAMPAIGN)

Possible Subjects for Campaigns:

- Laura/Laura's Publishers

- Luke and Co. (Musicians I Know)

- aDawned

- Sole to Soul

- Nxt Level

- Mediplan



Developed Campaign Ideas:

Mediplan -

Website - The current website for Mediplan is outdated and, whilst it's simple and clean design works for the audience, it can be a little confusing to maneuver

Brochures - Whilst these are perfectly fine, they could do with a little rehash

Luke and Co (Musicians I Know) -

- Social Media Pages - Create a new social media page specifically for the decided musicians/names. Taking "professional" photographs to advertise said social media page, along with "snapshot" introduction videos for highlights

- Portfolio/Introduction Video - A video montage, filled with snippets of musicians performing and brief introductions of each, similar to the snapshots for the social media.

- Poster - Design based around hypothetical album cover, release date or "Out Now"

aDawned -

Website - Pretty and playful, butterfly and feather theme. Features logo and themed around that

Double Page Spread - Interview of crafter to advertise

Video - Introductory and advertising. Similar to a Youtube.

Social Media Page - Set up and linked with others

Laura/Laura's Publisher -

Video - Trailer for new books/pre-published books. Cinematic styled.

Posters - Book cover art, displayed centrally on a poster with release date (or "Out Now") 

Social Media - Either rebrand original (Publishers) or create a new social media paged to promote book series

Campaign Message - Promote book series/all books under publishers belt

Slogan/Strapline - Undecided

Main Imagery - Black-eyed Boy and Green-eyed Girl/All Book covers depending

Planning Documents:

- Production Schedule

- Call Sheet

- Equipment List

- Moodboard

- Gant Chart

- Visualisation diagram

Specific Planning Documents:

- Shot plan

- Storyboards

- Script

- Flow Chart/Diagrams

Ways to collect audience feedback:

- Focus groups

- Questionnaires

- Online questionnaires

- Social media (where relevant)

LO3: Evaluation

Final Product: Technical and Aesthetic Match-to-Brief: My campaign material fits the technical requirements of the brief as it accurately an...